Let me ask you this, before you jump into a swimming pool, wouldn’t you prefer to know
the temperature of the water first? You will never know the temperature of the water just
by looking at the inviting sparkly crystal blue water.
Same goes with blogging! It is definitely wise to know in advance what it takes to
maintain a blog. Are you really up for it? Are you really willing to do this? These are
things you need to assess beforehand, before you spend anymore of your precious time
because as you go deeper and deeper into blogging, it’s only going to take more and more
of your time and suck in a lot of your ideas.
If you are planning to operate a blog, you need to assess yourself, preferably in the
beginning of the process, to know if you have what it takes to do this long term. Since
there are so many moving pieces when it comes to blogging successfully and have your
blog thrive for a long time. It is important to know what it takes to keep your blog going
so that you will be able to sustain it for several years since blogging is a long term
commitment. If you have the desire to blog, I don’t think your vision is only to do it for
few years and then abandon it, right? I’m sure you envisioned your blog to last for a long
Granted, blogging will take a lot of your time, you might as well know beforehand what it
takes to maintain a blog and see what you are up against to see if this is truly something
that you want to do. Once you have some bird’s eye view and have some ideas on the
tasks ahead and what needs to be done, then you can better prepare yourself, be better
equipped, get ready and move forward with blogging.
One major challenge of blogging is being able to produce contents in a consistent basis.
The way in which a blog is presented online, which is in chronological order, it is so easy
to determine when a blog is updated regularly or not. The way blog works is that the latest
blog post, by default, is usually displayed on the first or top page of the blog. So when
someone visits your blog, the blog visitor can easily tell when the blog was last updated,
basing on the date of the last post which is usually the first post the visitor will see when
he/she arrives in your blog.
Although it is highly advisable that you post in a consistent manner, there is no fix rule as
to how frequent you should update a blog in order for it to be considered regularly
Originally, many bloggers blog on a daily basis. Daily blogging might be easier to pull off
when you are blogging about personal experiences since most people don’t run out of day
to day activities so there is always opportunities to blog about. There is always something
going on in people’s lives, doing this, doing that. All of these stuff they do are all potential
blog posts.
However, if you are blogging about a specific niche or topic, it is a completely different
story. Sometimes, you might need to do additional research in order to provide accurate,
valuable and informative information about the topic. Writing a blog post on a daily basis
can become overwhelming overtime and can cause burn outs, and burn outs can cause lack
of enthusiasm and motivation.
By choosing to blog every day, you will soon realize that you are running out of ideas to
blog about.
Just remember that there are 30 days in a month, that means 30 blog post ideas that you
have to come up with in order to blog on a daily basis. Do you have 30 blog post ideas
right now? If so, then great! You have one month worth of blog posts!
Many bloggers nowadays prefer to update their blogs on a weekly basis, as this blogging
frequency seems to be so much more manageable compare to daily postings.
You can, however, post daily if you have the capability and the drive to do so. As
mentioned earlier, there is no fix rule how frequent you should post. It is your decision to
You may be up for the challenge of daily blogging but then you have to also consider your
readers. How often do your readers really want to read your blog? Do you think that by
posting daily it will encourage your readers and followers to check your blog constantly,
as constant as every single day? Or it will become overwhelming for them and therefore
could benefit more from a weekly blog updates instead of daily updates.
It is also good to take into consideration that most people are busy with their own lives,
therefore they might not have as frequent as everyday to spend reading your blog
diligently. But then again, everybody is different, so you have to consider that although
some readers may have time to read daily, some may not. The answers to these vague
unknowns also depends on your target demographic.
Ultimately, it’s all up to you to decide if you should do daily blogging or not.
Because of the nature of how a blog works, as mentioned earlier, which is usually
arranged in chronological order, it naturally demands consistent updating, not necessary
required, but doing so is a huge contributing factor for the overall success of your blog in
the long run.
Consistent blogging does not mean daily blogging, it can be blogging at certain day of the
week and keeping at it every single week.
To be a consistent blogger, it will demand a lot of your time and energy, and most
importantly a lot of your creative ideas on what to blog about, that’s why it is important
that you are highly passionate about what you blog about (will be discuss further in the
next chapter) because you have to constantly come up of ideas related to your blog on a
regular manner for as long as you keep your blog alive and going.
When you are highly passionate about your blog niche, you have much better chance of
coming up of plenty of blog post ideas and not ran out of it pretty quickly. You will need
at least one blog post either weekly, bi-weekly, or whenever, depending on the frequency
of posting that you decided on.
Can you imagine if you do decide to blog daily? How long do you think you can sustain
your blog with all your existing blog post ideas if you decide to post on a daily basis?
Let’s say you have thirty (30) different ideas of blog posts for your blog. And let’s say that
you decide to blog every day, what will happen the next month? Can you come up with
the next thirty new ideas to write about related to your blog? What about the month after
that? And so on and so forth.
This is why it is important that you determine your posting frequency ahead of time
because you can visualize how much inventories of ideas you have available, and how fast
they will ran out because your supply of ideas will go down either slow or fast depending
on the frequency of your posting.
It is also important to point out that being able to produce blog contents on a consistent
basis encourage your readers and followers to check out your blog regularly because you
are giving them that impression that you do update your blog regularly and they can rely
on the fact that when they do re-visit your blog that they can expect to see a new blog
Even though you don’t announce your regular posting schedules, your regular readers can
judge the timing of your postings by seeing the date intervals in between your posts. If you
follow certain posting schedule, then your regular readers might start to notice certain
patterns or sequence in your postings, for instance, you usually post unannounced every
weekend, or every Tuesday, etc.
In cases that you are unable to update your blog consistently as you would like, there can
be not-so-desirable effects and consequences that can occur. Imagine one of your blog
follower visiting your blog one day and noticed that your last post was from three months
ago. She might give you a benefit of a doubt and visit your blog again the following
month, and if she sees the same old blog post that she saw the last time she visited, then
that could cause some uncertainties in her mind, and she might make that dreaded
conclusion that your blog is not updated regularly, or worse, that you are neglecting your
own blog. With the conclusion that your blog visitor draw on her own, she might decide
that from then on she will no longer visit your blog. Multiply that head count to all your
regular readers. That can be a devastating loss of followers that you worked so hard to
acquire from the start.
With that said, blog needs consistent updating, but to do so, it is so much easier said than
done. I have to admit, as a blogger myself, it is not easy to come up with new blog posts
regularly. I personally ran out of blog ideas on several occasions so I also face so much
challenges trying to keep my blogs up-to-date on a regular basis.
As mentioned earlier, there is no fix rule as to the frequency of your blog posts, you can
choose to update it daily, weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly, etc. But whatever posting
frequency you decided on, it is highly advisable that you stick with that frequency in order
to develop regular readers and followers in your blog, and they will feel that they can rely
on your posting sequence and be confident that when they expect to see a blog post in that
day of the week, they will. It may sound harsh and demanding, but this is one way to keep
your audience reading and engaging with your content on a regular basis.
In order to develop regular audience or readers in your blog, you need to provide valuable
up-to-date blog posts on a consistent basis for as long as your blog exist. That could mean
several years, or perhaps a lifetime? Yes, it sound like work, but that is the type of
commitment that you have to realize early on before you even make a decision to start a
blog or not.
Whether you like it or not, a blog will certainly demand this type of maintenance for as
long as you are blogging. The question is, are you up for it?
the temperature of the water first? You will never know the temperature of the water just
by looking at the inviting sparkly crystal blue water.
Same goes with blogging! It is definitely wise to know in advance what it takes to
maintain a blog. Are you really up for it? Are you really willing to do this? These are
things you need to assess beforehand, before you spend anymore of your precious time
because as you go deeper and deeper into blogging, it’s only going to take more and more
of your time and suck in a lot of your ideas.
If you are planning to operate a blog, you need to assess yourself, preferably in the
beginning of the process, to know if you have what it takes to do this long term. Since
there are so many moving pieces when it comes to blogging successfully and have your
blog thrive for a long time. It is important to know what it takes to keep your blog going
so that you will be able to sustain it for several years since blogging is a long term
commitment. If you have the desire to blog, I don’t think your vision is only to do it for
few years and then abandon it, right? I’m sure you envisioned your blog to last for a long
Granted, blogging will take a lot of your time, you might as well know beforehand what it
takes to maintain a blog and see what you are up against to see if this is truly something
that you want to do. Once you have some bird’s eye view and have some ideas on the
tasks ahead and what needs to be done, then you can better prepare yourself, be better
equipped, get ready and move forward with blogging.
One major challenge of blogging is being able to produce contents in a consistent basis.
The way in which a blog is presented online, which is in chronological order, it is so easy
to determine when a blog is updated regularly or not. The way blog works is that the latest
blog post, by default, is usually displayed on the first or top page of the blog. So when
someone visits your blog, the blog visitor can easily tell when the blog was last updated,
basing on the date of the last post which is usually the first post the visitor will see when
he/she arrives in your blog.
Although it is highly advisable that you post in a consistent manner, there is no fix rule as
to how frequent you should update a blog in order for it to be considered regularly
Originally, many bloggers blog on a daily basis. Daily blogging might be easier to pull off
when you are blogging about personal experiences since most people don’t run out of day
to day activities so there is always opportunities to blog about. There is always something
going on in people’s lives, doing this, doing that. All of these stuff they do are all potential
blog posts.
However, if you are blogging about a specific niche or topic, it is a completely different
story. Sometimes, you might need to do additional research in order to provide accurate,
valuable and informative information about the topic. Writing a blog post on a daily basis
can become overwhelming overtime and can cause burn outs, and burn outs can cause lack
of enthusiasm and motivation.
By choosing to blog every day, you will soon realize that you are running out of ideas to
blog about.
Just remember that there are 30 days in a month, that means 30 blog post ideas that you
have to come up with in order to blog on a daily basis. Do you have 30 blog post ideas
right now? If so, then great! You have one month worth of blog posts!
Many bloggers nowadays prefer to update their blogs on a weekly basis, as this blogging
frequency seems to be so much more manageable compare to daily postings.
You can, however, post daily if you have the capability and the drive to do so. As
mentioned earlier, there is no fix rule how frequent you should post. It is your decision to
You may be up for the challenge of daily blogging but then you have to also consider your
readers. How often do your readers really want to read your blog? Do you think that by
posting daily it will encourage your readers and followers to check your blog constantly,
as constant as every single day? Or it will become overwhelming for them and therefore
could benefit more from a weekly blog updates instead of daily updates.
It is also good to take into consideration that most people are busy with their own lives,
therefore they might not have as frequent as everyday to spend reading your blog
diligently. But then again, everybody is different, so you have to consider that although
some readers may have time to read daily, some may not. The answers to these vague
unknowns also depends on your target demographic.
Ultimately, it’s all up to you to decide if you should do daily blogging or not.
Because of the nature of how a blog works, as mentioned earlier, which is usually
arranged in chronological order, it naturally demands consistent updating, not necessary
required, but doing so is a huge contributing factor for the overall success of your blog in
the long run.
Consistent blogging does not mean daily blogging, it can be blogging at certain day of the
week and keeping at it every single week.
To be a consistent blogger, it will demand a lot of your time and energy, and most
importantly a lot of your creative ideas on what to blog about, that’s why it is important
that you are highly passionate about what you blog about (will be discuss further in the
next chapter) because you have to constantly come up of ideas related to your blog on a
regular manner for as long as you keep your blog alive and going.
When you are highly passionate about your blog niche, you have much better chance of
coming up of plenty of blog post ideas and not ran out of it pretty quickly. You will need
at least one blog post either weekly, bi-weekly, or whenever, depending on the frequency
of posting that you decided on.
Can you imagine if you do decide to blog daily? How long do you think you can sustain
your blog with all your existing blog post ideas if you decide to post on a daily basis?
Let’s say you have thirty (30) different ideas of blog posts for your blog. And let’s say that
you decide to blog every day, what will happen the next month? Can you come up with
the next thirty new ideas to write about related to your blog? What about the month after
that? And so on and so forth.
This is why it is important that you determine your posting frequency ahead of time
because you can visualize how much inventories of ideas you have available, and how fast
they will ran out because your supply of ideas will go down either slow or fast depending
on the frequency of your posting.
It is also important to point out that being able to produce blog contents on a consistent
basis encourage your readers and followers to check out your blog regularly because you
are giving them that impression that you do update your blog regularly and they can rely
on the fact that when they do re-visit your blog that they can expect to see a new blog
Even though you don’t announce your regular posting schedules, your regular readers can
judge the timing of your postings by seeing the date intervals in between your posts. If you
follow certain posting schedule, then your regular readers might start to notice certain
patterns or sequence in your postings, for instance, you usually post unannounced every
weekend, or every Tuesday, etc.
In cases that you are unable to update your blog consistently as you would like, there can
be not-so-desirable effects and consequences that can occur. Imagine one of your blog
follower visiting your blog one day and noticed that your last post was from three months
ago. She might give you a benefit of a doubt and visit your blog again the following
month, and if she sees the same old blog post that she saw the last time she visited, then
that could cause some uncertainties in her mind, and she might make that dreaded
conclusion that your blog is not updated regularly, or worse, that you are neglecting your
own blog. With the conclusion that your blog visitor draw on her own, she might decide
that from then on she will no longer visit your blog. Multiply that head count to all your
regular readers. That can be a devastating loss of followers that you worked so hard to
acquire from the start.
With that said, blog needs consistent updating, but to do so, it is so much easier said than
done. I have to admit, as a blogger myself, it is not easy to come up with new blog posts
regularly. I personally ran out of blog ideas on several occasions so I also face so much
challenges trying to keep my blogs up-to-date on a regular basis.
As mentioned earlier, there is no fix rule as to the frequency of your blog posts, you can
choose to update it daily, weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly, etc. But whatever posting
frequency you decided on, it is highly advisable that you stick with that frequency in order
to develop regular readers and followers in your blog, and they will feel that they can rely
on your posting sequence and be confident that when they expect to see a blog post in that
day of the week, they will. It may sound harsh and demanding, but this is one way to keep
your audience reading and engaging with your content on a regular basis.
In order to develop regular audience or readers in your blog, you need to provide valuable
up-to-date blog posts on a consistent basis for as long as your blog exist. That could mean
several years, or perhaps a lifetime? Yes, it sound like work, but that is the type of
commitment that you have to realize early on before you even make a decision to start a
blog or not.
Whether you like it or not, a blog will certainly demand this type of maintenance for as
long as you are blogging. The question is, are you up for it?
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