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Blogging Tips for Newbie Bloggers

There are millions of blogs out there in the blogosphere but only a few of them are following some strategy for branding of their blog. Everyday hundreds of new blogs appear with the mission to make money online but many newbie bloggers don’t know about how they can be successful blogger. Therefore, I decided to share 15 important blogging tips which I learnt from my small experience for my readers.
Specially, when you start blogging, you tends to make many newbie mistakes and that’s why I highly recommend all budding bloggers to read tips on Blogging and learn from pro blogger mistakes. Blogging is an easy job but maintaining your own blog is tough. Specially, when you are planning to make a living out of blogging, you need to take care of many things including :
  • Writing
  • SEO
  • Social Signals
  • Promotion
  • Marketing
  • Monetization
And many more. Always remember, a blog have no limit, a normal blog can be one of the biggest brand in coming days. Years back, Mashable and TechCrunch used to be just another blog. Is int it? So, lets get it started:

Newbie Blogger tips to Excel in Blogging:

  • Do Blogging with Passion and Patience

Passion and Patience are like blogging buzz words. Always choose a niche for blogging about which you know and passionate to write. Blogging is not become rich within night scheme. You will have to wait for the money and it will only come if you devise a proper strategy. If your goal is just to make money online, look at the other aspect of online marketing but not blogging.
  • Make Blogging Strategy

Make a schedule for blogging. How many articles you will write in a day or a week and how much time you will spend in marketing your blog. If you are planning to earn from your new blog, you need to treat it like a serous business. You need to be dedicated and passionate about it. We have already discussed about effective business plan for bloggers and points to check before starting blogging business.

  • Make Social Media Marketing Strategy

Gone were the days when search engines were the only source of generating traffic. If you target social media biggies such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg and Stumbleupon, then, you can get handsome amount of traffic from them. Sometimes, it can be much more than search engine traffic but keep in mind that it will not come easily. You will have to interact with people in Social Media in your niche and you will have to build valuable relationship with them. Also, Social media signals helps in improving your site ranking. With right amount of social exposure, it’s easier to make a new site rank than an existing site. We will discus about ranking and SEO in some other post. For now, check out: Benefits of social media marketing in Blogging.
  • 5 Tips to become social media cool kid
  • 101 tips to become Social media rockstar
  • Make Link Building Strategy
Link building does matter when it comes to search engines. Make proper link building strategy and try to get more backlinks from the blogs in your niche especially the higher page rank blogs. Find DoFollow blogs in your niche and the blogs using Comluv and Top Commentators plugins. Comment on those blogs but do not spam. Instead try to add value to the article.
  • 5 working link building tips
  • What is link building and benefit of link building
  • 5 tips to get more backlinks in less time

  • Make Your Blog a Community
The environment of your blog should be such that when new visitor comes to your blog he should feel it as a community and become the part of it.
  • How to form a community out of your blog
  • 8 important tools to make your blog rockstar

  •  Make Good Relations with Niche Bloggers
Interact with other blogger in your niche by commenting on their blogs and through social media. It will help you a lot because you can learn many things from them.

  • Write Unique Content

It is well known in Blogging that “Content is King” and it surely is a king. Don’t try to copy content because ultimately you will be banned from search engines and no one likes to read copied content.

  • Always Reply to Comments
Interact with your readers by replying to their comments. Readers usually love it when their comment is replied and they will come back and comment again.

  • Use Article Marketing

Write articles related to your niche in high PR article submission directories such as Ezine Articles, Hubpages and Squidoo with the backlink to your blog. It will definitely increase your blog authority and your blog will rank well in search engines. After Google penguin update and over optimization penalty, I highly recommend you to avoid low quality article marketing.  Rather, use my next tip which will help you to get more exposure.

  • 10. Use Guest Posting

Try to write at least one article in a week to other blogs in your niche who offer you to write for their blogs. Guest posting on high traffic and high PR blogs is more beneficial as it will give you more exposure and quality backlinks.
  • Ask Readers for their Opinions

Ask readers for their opinions in your articles. It will increase comments on your blog and your readers will not feel that they are reading an article written by robot. You should work hard on getting more comments as it helps in ego boost of yourself and your blog. Make sure, you get meaningful comments and avoid accepting comments like “Thank you” “Nice post”, as reader can always show their appreciation by sharing your post on social media sites.
Rather welcome, meaningful and constructive comments. This will help in build conversation and more interaction. Something, which most newbie bloggers misses out.
  • Write for Readers
One of the major problem with new blog is getting traffic to them. Honestly, when I started blogging it was tough for me too. Though, with time I realize there is something call SEO which helps in improving search engine visibility. Though, SEO is important but what matters the most is readership.
When you are writing on a topic, try to cover all related topics in that  niche. Try to cover all the aspect of Blogging, and this helps in more user engagement.
  • 13. Make Your Blog Design Reader Friendly
Your Blog Design should have a clean design with proper navigation. It should be such that readers can easily find the content of their choice. Your content plays a major role but you need to keep in mind: First impression is last impression. Also, it will help user stick to your blog more. Would you like to stare on a web page with a flashy or irritating colors? Will you wait for a Web page to load which will take minutes to open? NO!
Here are a nice blog post, which will help you to make your blog more attractive.
  • Use SEO friendly Theme
Your blog template is very crucial for your SEO and branding. We have already talked about difference between free & premium WordPress theme, and for a newbie blogger it’s a good idea to invest a little on a premium template. If budget is a constraint for you, you should opt for Elegant themes from Premium WordPress theme club, as it offers amazing collection of Premium WordPress themes at very low price.
If your budget is not an issue, you should opt for more professional and SEO theme. The Thesis theme from last 2 years, and its been a rock-solid SEO theme for WordPress. The only down-side is, it’s costly but considering the scope of money via blogging, you might not like to task a risk. With an investment of $87, it’s worth a buy. Get Thesis Theme.

  • Use Effective Title

As I said, for any new blog your content is what will drive people to your blog. Consistency is very important for first few months (And also later), to keep your blog growing. You need to work on creating regular content and blog promotion. Another working tip is to write effective titles, which will make readers to read more.

Write high-quality content and don’t be afraid to give links to external site as it helps in improving SEO. When you are linking to a spammy sites use Nofollow link attribute.
Title of the article should be both reader and SEO friendly. Title should be appealing to the readers and important keywords should also be used in the title.
I hope these tips will be useful for you. Do tell me what you do for making your blog a perfect brand and also feel free to add any other tip to the above list.


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