Reading to learn how to write a blog series? Keep reading to get the tips you’re looking for to keeping your readers coming back again and again.
A blog post series is great to draw your readers into your blog in a deeper way, increase pageviews, and have space to delve deeply into a topic without overwhelming people. It is also a fantastic way to plan content ahead of time. Whether you have run blog post series in the past, or are just starting to think about one, we are going to teach you how to write a blog series that is successful.
Blogging Then.
During its early stage, blogging used to be a means to write an informal journal or diary in order to chronicle a blogger’s day to day personal activities, to document personal experiences and be able to share these updates online mostly with family and friends.A blog is a convenient way to keep family and friends, especially those who live far away, updated with what is going on in a blogger’s life. It is a great way to stay connected and informed with the regular activities and happenings of a blogger’s life even if love ones don’t live together in the same roof.
Many bloggers utilize blogs to share their family activities, life updates, travel experiences, group adventures and gatherings, etc.
Blogging Evolution.
Although, there are still a lot of bloggers who blog for personal purpose, blogging has evolved way more than that nowadays. Blogging is not solely being used to share personal experiences as many individuals also utilize blogging nowadays as a way to share their knowledge or expertise in a particular subject or niche. Even though there are still several bloggers out there that utilize blogs to write about their personal journeys, blogging is certainly no longer limited to this purpose alone.Many blogs nowadays are great resource of information for several different topics reason being is that many bloggers have been utilizing the blogging platform to document several different type of topics or niches, for instance, crafting projects or advise for job hunters, etc. There are numerous individuals who utilize blogs to voice out their views and expertise about certain topics, share their opinions or reviews about particular products and/or services.
In recent years, many businesses utilize the blogging medium as a way to document or give information about their products and services. Blogging is now commonly being used by many businesses or companies to inform their clients or customers as well as the general public about certain company updates and announcements or any other information that they would like to share publicly.
Blog Post Specification.
There are no strict specific rules what you can put or write in a blog post, or how long a blog post should be. You can have as short as one or two paragraphs blog entry, or as long as you want. You can add pictures and images, or none at all. You can even have a wordless blog post, just post pictures or images, or even just an embedded video is considered a blog post.As a blogger who owns your own blog, you have the flexibility and complete control of the type of content and the quality and quantity of content that you publish in your own blog.
But if you are blogging for a business or a company, then you, being the representative of the company and posting blog contents on behalf of the company, might have to follow certain standards and criteria in all your blog posts to ensure that you keep the company’s integrity intact and its reputation secured considering that anyone or anybody can just publicly read whatever content you post in the blog. So you have to abide to the specific blogging and publicity guidelines set forth by the company who owns the blog, whose reputation is on the line.
The company who owns the blog may require you to follow specific format, style, or approach in all the blog posts that you publish. Specifications and guidelines varies depending on the company itself.
Blog Versus Traditional Website.
You are probably wondering what is the difference between a blog and a traditional website?
Although a blog is also considered a website, a blog differs significantly from a traditional website because of the way a blog is presented and how its contents are normally arranged. A blog is a series of posts or articles arranged in a chronological order, usually by date basing on when each blog post was created and posted in the blog.
Whereas in a traditional website, majority of the contents or other pages of the website are access through a navigational menu or clickable links, and the pages are not necessarily posted by date but usually by topic or categories.
Most notable visual difference is that a traditional website usually have the navigational menu (usually by topic), as mentioned above, in which the site visitor can click to explore web pages within the website, whereas a blog usually don’t have such clickable menu, but can optionally have one too. Instead, a blog usually have a clickable archive list of all posts normally arranged by posting date.
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